Source code for ptr.agm.results

"""AGM results module."""

import json
import re
from html import escape
from pathlib import Path
from urllib import request

from ..datetime import dt
from ..html import HTMLCollapsible, html

[docs]class AGMResults: """AGM results object. Parameters ---------- results: dict or pathlib.Path AGM formatted results. """ def __init__(self, results): if isinstance(results, Path): with'r') as fp: = json.load(fp) elif isinstance(results, dict): = results else: raise TypeError('Results must be a pathlib.Path or a dict. ' f'`{results.__class__.__name__}` provided.') # Parse the data content self.ptr = AGMResultsPTR(self['ptr']) self.status = AGMResultsStatus(self['results']['success']) session_id = self['results'].get('session_id') if self.status.success: self.log = AGMResultsLog(self['results']['output'], session_id=session_id) = AGMResultsCK(self) self.ptr_resolved = AGMResultsResolvedPTR(self) self.quaternions = AGMResultsQuaternions(self['results']['quaternions']) else: self.log = AGMResultsLog(self['results']['errors'], session_id=session_id) = None self.ptr_resolved = None self.quaternions = None def __str__(self): return json.dumps(, indent=4) def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> {self}' def _repr_html_(self): return '\n'.join([ html(self.status), '<hr/>', html(HTMLCollapsible( ('Input Parameters', AGMInputParameters(self)), ('Output Results', AGMOutputResults(self) if self.status.success else ''), ('Log', self.log, '' if self.status.success else 'expand'), )), ]) def __iter__(self): if self.status.success: return iter( # Load-able by spiceypy raise IOError('Simulation failed. No CK available') def __getitem__(self, item): try: return[item] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f'`{item}` is not present in the results.') from None @property def success(self) -> bool: """Results status success flag.""" return self.status.success
[docs]class AGMInputParameters: """AGM input parameters.""" def __init__(self, res): self.endpoint = res['endpoint'] = res['metakernel'] self.ptr = res.ptr def __repr__(self): return str({ 'endpoint': self.endpoint, 'metakernel':, 'ptr': self.ptr, }) def _repr_html_(self): return '\n'.join([ '<ul style="color:#777">', f'<li><b>AGM Endpoint:</b> <code>{self.endpoint}</code></li>', f'<li><b>Metakernel:</b> <code>{}</code></li>' '</ul>', HTMLCollapsible(('PTR input:', self.ptr, 'expand')).html, ])
[docs]class AGMOutputResults: """AGM output results.""" def __init__(self, res): = self.ptr_resolved = res.ptr_resolved self.quaternions = res.quaternions def __repr__(self): return str({ 'ck':, 'ptr_resolved': self.ptr_resolved, 'quaternions': self.quaternions, }) def _repr_html_(self): return '\n'.join([ '<ul style="color:#777">', f'<li><b>CK:</b> <code>{}</code></li>', f'<li><b>Resolved PTR:</b> <code>{self.ptr_resolved}</code></li>', '</ul>', HTMLCollapsible(('Quaternions', self.quaternions)).html, ])
[docs]class AGMResultsPTR: """AGM PTR object.""" def __init__(self, ptr): self.ptr = ptr def __repr__(self): return self.ptr def _repr_html_(self): return f'<pre><code>{escape(self.ptr)}</code></pre>'
[docs]class AGMResultsQuaternions: """AGM results quaternions object.""" HTML_MAX_LINES = 25 def __init__(self, quaternions): self._raw = quaternions = [ [dt(time), (float(qx), float(qy), float(qz), float(qw))] for line in quaternions.splitlines()[1:] # Skip header for time, qx, qy, qz, qw in [line.split(',')] ] def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join( f'{t} | {x:.16f} | {y:0.16f} | {z:.16f} | {w:.16f}' for t, (x, y, z, w) in ) def __len__(self): return len( def __iter__(self): return iter( def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def _repr_html_(self): header = '<tr><th>time</th><th>qx</th><th>qy</th><th>qz</th><th>qw</tr>' lines = ''.join([ f'<tr><td><em>{t}</em></td><td>{x}</td>' f'<td>{y}</td><td>{z}</td><td>{w}</td></tr>' for t, (x, y, z, w) in[:self.HTML_MAX_LINES] ]) if len(self) > self.HTML_MAX_LINES: lines += ( '<tfoot>' '<tr><td>&hellip;</td><td>&hellip;</td><td>&hellip;</td>' '<td>&hellip;</td><td>&hellip;</td></tr>' '<tr><td colspan="5" style="text-align: center;">' '<em>Use <code>print()</code> to display all elements.</em>' '</td></tr></tfoot>' ) return '<table>' + header + lines + '</table>'
class AGMResultsFile: """AGM results file object (CK or resolved PTR).""" EXT = None # File extension PATH = None # Results path key def __init__(self, res): if cache := res['cache']: self.fname = Path(cache['location']) / (cache['md5_hash'] + self.EXT) else: key = res['results'][self.PATH].split('/')[1] self.fname = Path(f'AGM_{key}{self.EXT}') if '://' in (url := res['endpoint']): protocol, uri = url.split('://') self.url = protocol + '://' + uri.split('/')[0] + res['results'][self.PATH] else: self.url = None def __str__(self): return str(self.fname) if self.fname.exists() else self.url def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> {self}' def __iter__(self): if not self.fname.exists(): yield str(self.fname) # Load-able by spiceypy def download(self): """Download the file.""" if self.url is None: raise ValueError('Endpoint is not a remote URL.') # Download the file request.urlretrieve(self.url, self.fname) return self.fname def save(self, fout, overwrite=False): """Save the file into an new location.""" fout = Path(fout) if not overwrite and fout.exists(): raise FileExistsError(fout) for f in self: content = Path(f).read_bytes() fout.write_bytes(content) self.fname = fout return self.fname
[docs]class AGMResultsCK(AGMResultsFile): """AGM results CK object.""" EXT = '.ck' PATH = 'ck_path'
class AGMResultsResolvedPTR(AGMResultsFile): """AGM results resolved PTR object.""" EXT = '.ptx' PATH = 'ptr_resolved_path' def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> {self}\n\n{self.content}' @property def content(self): """Resolved PTR file content.""" if not self.fname.exists(): return self.fname.read_text(encoding='utf-8')
[docs]class AGMResultsLog: """AGM results log object.""" HTML_MAX_LINES = 25 line = re.compile(r'\[(\w+)\]\s*<([\w\s><]+)>\s*([\w\s\/\.\:+\-_"]+)') def __init__(self, log, session_id=None): self.log = [ (flag, tag.replace('AGE> <', ''), msg) for line in log.replace('\\"', '"').split('\n') for flag, tag, msg in self.line.findall(line) ] self.session_id = session_id def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join(' | '.join(line) for line in self.log) def _repr_html_(self): session_id = ( '<ul style="color:#777">' f'<li><b>Session ID:</b> <code>{self.session_id}</code></li>' '</ul>\n' ) if self.session_id is not None else '' lines = ''.join([ f'<tr><td>{flag}</td><td>{tag}</td>' f'<td style="text-align: left;"><em>{escape(msg)}</em></td></tr>' for flag, tag, msg in self.log[:self.HTML_MAX_LINES] ]) if len(self) > self.HTML_MAX_LINES: lines += ( '<tfoot>' '<tr><td>&hellip;</td><td>&hellip;</td>' '<td style="text-align: left;">&hellip;</td></tr>' '<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align: center;">' '<em>Use <code>print()</code> to display all elements.</em>' '</td></tr></tfoot>' ) return session_id + '<table>' + lines + '</table>' def __len__(self): return len(self.log) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.log) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.log[item]
[docs]class AGMResultsStatus: """AGM results status object""" def __init__(self, success): self.success = success def __repr__(self): return 'Success' if self.success else 'Failure' def _repr_html_(self): return ( f'<p><span style="color: {self.color}">{self.symbol}</span> <b>{self}</b></p>' ) @property def failure(self): """Failure flag.""" return not self.success @property def symbol(self): """Status symbol.""" return '✔' if self.success else '✘' @property def color(self): """Status color.""" return '#2ca02c' if self.success else '#d62728'