Source code for ptr.datetime.parser

"""PTR time module."""

import re
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta

[docs]def dt(time) -> datetime: """Datetime parser.""" if isinstance(time, datetime): return time if isinstance(time, date): return datetime(time.year, time.month, if hasattr(time, 'item'): return time.item() # numpy.datetime64 t = str(time) if t.endswith('.'): t = t[:-1] # Remove the dot if present at the end return datetime.fromisoformat(t)
STD_DURATION = re.compile( r'^' r'(?:(?P<day>-?\d+) (days?,? )?)?' r'((?:(?P<hr>-?\d+):)(?=\d+:\d+))?' r'(?:(?P<min>-?\d+):)?' r'(?P<sec>-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)' r'$' ) UNITS_DURATION = re.compile( r'^' r'(?:(?P<day>[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(?:d|D|days?))?\s*' r'(?:(?P<hr>[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(?:h|hrs?|hours?))?\s*' r'(?:(?P<min>[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(?:m|mins?|minutes?))?\s*' r'(?:(?P<sec>[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(?:s|secs?|seconds?))?\s*' r'(?:(?P<ms>[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(?:ms|msecs?|milliseconds?))?' r'$' ) MICRO_SEC = { 'ms': 1e-3, 'sec': 1, 'min': 60, 'hr': 3_600, 'day': 86_400, }
[docs]def td(delta) -> timedelta: """Time delta parser. Example: ``7 day, 12:34:56.789`` for 7 days, 12 hours, 34 minutes, 56 secondes and 789 milliseconds. We recommend to use this formatting but you can provide explicit units following the rules below: Valid units: - ``ms``, ``msec``, ``millisecond`` - ``s``, ``sec``, ``second`` - ``m``, ``min``, ``minute`` - ``h``, ``hr``, ``hour`` - ``d``, ``D``, ``day`` Plural units are also valid. Space between the value and the units is accepted. Month(s) and year(s) are not accepted. If a ``int`` or a ``float`` is provide, it is assume that the value is express in secondes. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided value format is invalid. """ if isinstance(delta, timedelta): return delta s = str(delta) match = STD_DURATION.match(s) or UNITS_DURATION.match(s) if not match: raise ValueError(f'Invalid format: `{delta}`') us = 1e6 * sum( float(value) * MICRO_SEC[unit] for unit, value in match.groupdict(default=0).items() ) return timedelta(microseconds=us)
def iso(t): """Format datetime as ISO format. Parameters ---------- t: str or datetime.datetime Datetime to format. Returns ------- str Returns the datetime as ``yyyy-mm-ddTHH-MM-SS[.sss]Z``. """ return dt(t).isoformat(timespec='milliseconds').replace('.000', '') + 'Z'