Source code for ptr.datetime.window

"""PTR datetime window module."""

from functools import wraps

from .parser import dt, td
from .time import EndTime, StartTime
from ..element import Element

def is_window(func):
    """Check if the other is derived from a datetime window."""
    def wrap(self, other):
        """Wrapped function."""
        if not isinstance(other, WithDatetimeWindow):
            raise TypeError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} can not be compared to '
        return func(self, other)
    return wrap

[docs]class WithDatetimeWindow: """Add Time window properties to Element objects.""" def __init__(self): self._start, self._end = None, None # pragma: no cover @is_window def __and__(self, other) -> bool: """Check intersection with an other datetime window. ----------|◁◁◁ self ▷▷▷|---------- ----░░░---|--- other ---|---░░░---- -------░░░|-------------|░░░------- -------███|███-------███|███------- ----------|███-------███|---------- ----------|█████████████|███------- -------███|█████████████|---------- ----------|---███████---|---------- ----------|█████████████|---------- -------███|█████████████|███------- self & other == True: █ / False: ░ """ return self.start < other.end and self.end > other.start @is_window def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: """Exclusive lower datetime window comparison. Self starts before and is shorter than other: ----------|◁◁◁ self ▷▷▷|---------- ----░░░---|--- other ---|---███---- -------░░░|-------------|███------- -------░░░|░░░-------███|███------- ----------|░░░-------███|---------- ----------|█████████████|███------- -------░░░|░░░░░░░░░░░░░|---------- ----------|---███████---|---------- ----------|░░░░░░░░░░░░░|---------- -------░░░|░░░░░░░░░░░░░|░░░------- self < other == True: █ / False: ░ """ return self.start < other.start or \ (self.start == other.start and self.end < other.end) @property def start(self) -> StartTime: """Time window start time value.""" return self._start @property def end(self) -> EndTime: """Time window end time value.""" return self._end @property def window(self): """Time window start and end time values.""" return self.start, self.end
[docs] def set_window(self, start, end): """Set time window boundaries.""" if hasattr(self, '_start') or hasattr(self, '_end'): raise AttributeError('Use `.edit()` method instead.') start_time = StartTime(start) end_time = EndTime(end) if start_time >= end_time: raise ValueError( f'`{start_time}` shall be before `{end_time}`.') self._start, self._end = start_time, end_time self.append(self._start) self.append(self._end)
@property def duration(self): """Block duration.""" return self.end - self.start
[docs] def append(self, element): """Append a new element or text/numeric value.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def copy(self): """Element deep copy.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def edit(self, *, start=None, end=None): """Edit temporal window boundaries. Parameters ---------- start: str, datetime.datetime or datetime.timedelta Start time absolute or relative offset. end: str, datetime.datetime or datetime.timedelta End time absolute or relative offset. Raises ------ ValueError If the new start time is after the end time. ValueError If the new end time is before the start time. Warning ------- This operation change the duration of the temporal window. """ if start is None: start_dt = self.start.datetime else: try: start_dt = self.start + start # Relative offset (timedelta) except ValueError: start_dt = dt(start) # Absolute offset (datetime) if end is None: end_dt = self.end.datetime else: try: end_dt = self.end + end # Relative offset (timedelta) except ValueError: end_dt = dt(end) # Absolute offset (datetime) # Check that the new window boundaries are still valid if end_dt <= start_dt: raise ValueError( f'Start time `{start_dt.isoformat()}` must be before ' f'end time: `{end_dt.isoformat()}`.') # Edit window only if required if start: self.start.edit(start_dt) if end: self.end.edit(end_dt) return self
[docs] def offset(self, offset, *, ref='start'): """Offset the temporal window globally. Parameters ---------- offset: str datetime.timedelta or datetime.datetime Global or relative offset. ref: str, optional Boundary reference for relative offset. Only ``start|end|center`` are accepted Raise ----- KeyError If the reference keyword is invalid. Note ---- This operation does not change the duration of the window. """ try: # Global offset (with timedelta) self.start.offset(offset) self.end.offset(offset) except ValueError: # Relative offset (with datetime) t, d = dt(offset), self.duration if ref == 'start': self.start.edit(t) self.end.edit(t + d) elif ref == 'end': self.start.edit(t - d) self.end.edit(t) elif ref == 'center': self.start.edit(t - d / 2) self.end.edit(t + d / 2) else: raise KeyError('For relative offset, the ref keyword must be ' 'in `start|end|center`.') from None return self
[docs] def split(self, time, *, gap=None, ref='start'): """Split the temporal window in two windows. Parameters ---------- time: str or datetime.datetime Splitting datetime. gap: str, optional Time delta gap between the windows. ref: str, optional Reference location of the gap with respect to provided time. Only ``start|end|center`` are accepted Returns ------- WithDatetimeWindow, WithDatetimeWindow Two copy of the original element in each time window. Raises ------ KeyError If the reference keyword is invalid. ValueError If the gap is too large for the window. Warning ------- This operation change the duration of the temporal window. """ t = dt(time) if gap is None: end, start = t, t else: d = td(gap) if ref == 'start': end, start = t, t + d elif ref == 'end': end, start = t - d, t elif ref == 'center': end, start = t - d / 2, t + d / 2 else: raise KeyError('For gap splitting, the ref keyword must be ' 'in `start|end|center`.') from None if start < self.start: raise ValueError('Split time must be after the start time.') if self.end < end: raise ValueError('Split time must be before the end time.') if end < self.start or self.end < start: raise ValueError('The gap is too large for this block.') return self.copy().edit(end=end), self.copy().edit(start=start)
[docs]class ElementWindow(Element, WithDatetimeWindow): """Element with datetime window properties.""" def __init__(self, tag, start, end, *elements, **attrs): super().__init__(tag, **attrs) self.set_window(start, end) for element in elements: self.append(element)