Source code for ptr.esa.pointing_tool

"""ESA pointing tool API module."""

import json
from hashlib import md5
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import gettempdir
from urllib import request

PT_CACHE = Path(gettempdir()) / 'pointing-tool-api-cache'
PT_CACHE.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

[docs]def pt_api(url, use_cache=True): """Pointing tool API request. Parameters ---------- url: str Endpoint URL to request. use_cache: bool, optional Cache the API request and fallback to the cache if the API resource is not available Returns ------- list or dict Parsed JSON response. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If API service is not available and no cache was found. """ try: with request.urlopen(url) as resp: data = json.loads( if use_cache: pt_cache(url).write_text(json.dumps(data)) except request.URLError: if use_cache and (cache := pt_cache(url)).exists(): data = json.loads(cache.read_text()) else: raise FileNotFoundError( 'Pointing tool service unavailable and cache not found.' ) from None return data
[docs]def pt_cache(url) -> Path: """Pointing tool cache file based on URL.""" return PT_CACHE / (md5(url.encode()).hexdigest() + '.json')
[docs]class PointingToolApi: """Pointing tool API object. Parameters ---------- endpoint: str API endpoint url. cache: bool, optional Enable API caching (default: True). """ def __init__(self, endpoint, use_cache=True): self.endpoint = endpoint self.use_cache = use_cache self._contexts = None def __str__(self): return self.endpoint def __repr__(self): contexts = '\n- '.join([ 'Contexts:', *[str(context) for context in self] ]) return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> {self} | {contexts}' def __contains__(self, item): for context in self.contexts: if context == item: return True return False def __getitem__(self, item): for context in self.contexts: if context == item: return context raise KeyError(f'Context: `{item}` not found.') def __len__(self): return len(self.contexts) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.contexts) @property def agm_url(self): """PT AGM endpoint URL.""" return f'{self}/agm' @property def url_contexts(self): """PT trajectory contexts URL.""" return f'{self}/assets/trajectory_contexts.json' @property def contexts(self): """Pointing tool context.""" if self._contexts is None: self._contexts = self._load_contexts() return self._contexts def _load_contexts(self): """Load contexts list from the API.""" return [ PointingToolContext(self, **context) for context in reversed(pt_api(self.url_contexts, use_cache=self.use_cache)) ]
[docs]class PointingToolContext: """Pointing tool API context object. Parameters ---------- name: str API endpoint url. context: str API context key. """ def __init__(self, api, name=None, context=None): self.api = api = name self.context_id = context self._info = None def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): infos = '\n- '.join([ f'{self}', *[f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in if not isinstance(v, list)] ]) return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> {infos}' def __eq__(self, other): return == str(other) or self.context_id == str(other) @property def url(self): """Context definition URL.""" return f'{self.api}/{self.context_id}/serviceinfo' @property def info(self): """Context infos.""" if self._info is None: self._info = pt_api(self.url, use_cache=self.api.use_cache) return self._info @property def mk(self): """Context metakernel.""" return['metakernel']